Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I love music...and it wont be exaggerating to say that the tring trings (actually more of beep beeps and God-knows-whats) of my cell phone is one of the best sounds in the planet. We have all become so very dependent on our mobile phones.

I do take the license to use the word "we". But "I" am really. I cannot imagine my daily life without the blue and white Nokia 1108 (3yrs aagekaar) model with a one-eye lighted display and completely faded keypad. For me, it's the best mobile phone in the world.

Some days back,the rubbery-looking plastic material stuck on the earpiece disappeared. It turned loose many days prior to that and due to my negligence, I had to pay the price. Well, literally, I still have't. I am yet to buy a new facial for my rickety set. Will go for the duplicate maal, which is priced at 90 and 120 rupees instead of the original one, which will set me back by a cool 500rs. But one thing is for sure. I can never throw away this cell phone of mine.

Rusty as it is, it has served me for 3 long and eventful college years. I have a plethora of memories attached to this phone. I hang out with my mobile, carry it to places of worship and the pukurpaarer bazaar; I eat with it by my side and generally keep it in my jeans pocket. Hey I even sleep with my mobile (arre yaar mera bhi number aayega!).

It's as if my friends and relatives peep out of the 150 storage capacity inbox list and with every 'No space for new messages' display my hand involuntarily turns heavy to delete an SMS. It's funny really how even a simple cheez can become your constant companion just because you have got used to it. The SMSes, the phone calls...cant do without them. You can very well call me a dependent maniac (you better don't coz you are one too) but I just cant do without this device.

Oh by the way! This was just an attempt to entertain myself as I was a bit bored. But at the end of the account I am even more bored, the only saving grace being the fact that you too are thoroughly bored by now. Ghum pachche.

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