Monday, November 2, 2009

do co mo...wa ta fa?

The next time I see a group of powder faced jokers muttering some incomprehensible lines ala jaadu tona and jantar mantar and trying to do an anu malik in a tube, I am going to bash my Tv set. I respect the advertising field. My brother is an adman and I find he has got one of the best brains. But ad guys who churn out stupid ads like that of tata docomo (whatever that crap means) are deplorable. mainly because, may be they think that an alluring tune would attract the viewers' attention and will breed curiosity, but in the middle they are not able to communicate the primary content of the ad-how will the product help me? what on earth is a docomo? ya some people might say that in print ads and in earlier TV ads, docomo has been revealed to be an intelligent prepaid scheme that makes you pay for the exact time that you talk. but then where is the message getting delivered in ads like these? and why docomo? why not gabala?

Its thoroughly stupid. The way some people in a tube train, believed to be travelling somewhere in mid Europe, pipes up nonchalantly and engages other passengers in a disgusting tune which sweeps everybody off their feet,is not only childish but nonsensical too.

Though the tune is curious if you listen to it without video. Some strains should have been left non-lip synced.

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