Saturday, December 5, 2009

Boss with a baggage

I came to know the arbitrary power of a master after I warned my maid to 'lay her off' ( such a popular lingo nowadays) when she misbehaved. The sudden power that I discovered within me came with a rider. And moments after issuing her warning verbal certificate, I felt damned. So this was the power of the boss. I can wish what I want and i have a thousand people under me tending to me desires. And if somebody fails to live up to my expectations, well...I simply fire him! As far as i am concerned I dont have much experience of playing the boss with people but yes a couple of times I have very well come under their supervision, professionally. And like other 'subordinates' i would vouch that having your boss standing right behind your neck and monitoring your proceedings is not a pleasant affair at all. And then of course, you run that risk of not living up to his expectations and just like the boss in Katherine mansfield's 'The Fly', with one blot of an ink he can wipe me off the daily roster.

Speaking of Mansfield and the character of boss in it, I feel that today's bosses are not that lonely. The boss in the short story must have been a little hyper-sensitive who laments for his lost child after realization dawns on him. But today's bosses are an unscrupulous lot. Sensitive, they seldom are and whenever they are, one can plainly recognize that it is nothing but a garb behind which lie some ulterior motive to get a work done or win your confidence. So one boss can delay your payment when you have taken a leave for a deadly virus attack and ask for papers to prove so, another can fire a bureau cameraperson if he fails to get a guest through to a telecast due to some technical error.

You know that when you are a boss there are a thousand people backbiting you and you also know that there are millions other who will praise you with sugar coated tongue once you lay your eyes on them. Girls have an edge here. And pretty ones can relax even more. Just by a turn of your eye or a swish of your shampooed hair you can entice the gentleman in corduroys and win his heart. But yes, you have to maintain your seduction till the time you decide that either he is distasteful or attacking your virginity or the lack of it or you simply decide to take your charms to another boss somewhere else.

Sensitive bosses like me or mansfield's character, by the terms and trends mentioned above, should not play the boss. because after venting out my ire on the maid,for a moment i realized that laying her off would mean that I have to find a new maid and that is not the easiest job on earth. And I dont have abundant wads of money on me.poor boss me!

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