Thursday, June 17, 2010

A (really) long drive

I detested long drives and thought what kind of creatures have so much fixation for it, earlier. Then a few years back, I initiated myself along the same lines, which I loathed. Now, it was all too sweet for me. But, by the time the desire sunk in, I found odd companions during the almost 50 km ride from my place of stay to my work place in the place where I dwell (Did anybody say home? Tch tch!)

Here are some common conceptions of long drives and my take on it

Long drives and your love by your side
Well, I can't say i have too much affinity for the rash drivers and their pan-stained blabber, as an accompaniment while I cross 3 states, technically. The only love I show is when I have to reach my destination early and the driver honours my plea.

Miles after miles, some hugging some smiles
Well of course, I don't defend the 'miles' part of it. And you possibly can't hug a female colleague sitting beside you. Well, not me, at the least (Though I now seem to know a lot of people who would). And males are distasteful to hug. The scanty smiles are confined to the (sometimes fake) cordiality which i have to display in order to prove me as senile during a 1-hour of uneventful and conversation-less trip.

You stop the car and advance at her
Ah! This has happened many times. 1.30 at the night. The car breaks down. Alone, deserted on NH-4, cursing and spitting. Feel like advancing at the clueless driver and thwacking him hard

The winds, the kiss and the beautiful moonlight
The air around DND expressway emits the foulest of smell you can experience in the whole of Delhi. The stink stings you even in the apparently most beautiful of night with a distant haze(which you realise, soon, to be nothing but the over-polluted skyline of Noida)

And finally the desire to go on a drive again
No options here. You are a daily labourer in a mercenary firm

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