I am a private person. I dont know why am I blogging. Bloggers are popularly known to share their thoughts with the world. Well yes I am doing so but lurking above me is a self-imposed censor for the sake of my peace, my comfort and to an extent, propreity, conduct, protocol and appeasement. Mentioned here some unpublished blog entries and also unfinished. Why unfinished? because I was lazy. As far the 2nd entry is concerned I had thought to make some of my inner demons public butstopped midway for truth is left best unsaid. What shall i achieve by making such a sensitive issue public? a few sympathies and maybe an appreciatin of hatred and indifference from some readers. So I stopped midway and censored my thought process. I had to colse the lid of the treasure chest snugly edged into my heart which holds a plethora of pains and a multitude of merriment. As I said, some things are better left unsaid. (For everything else there's mastercard :) he he
1. Why I Buzz?
I have joined buzz only because one, it pinged me voluntarily and somewhat caught my attention with its seeming simplicity and two, because its a google product. I am traditional at heart and suspect myself to be quite conservative apprehensive to try anything new, modern and popular, in a way to perhaps not dislike but of course to view it shadily.
So buzz is good but yet unattractive and lacks the one-dimensional ness of twitter and the multifarious (yet simple) feature of orkut...
2. Archive
The corridors are empty...
The heath has lost its warmth
The echoes are but distant dreams
The gates have been shut again
There was a time life was at BNC
There was a time a boy spread cheer
There was a time, there was Yash...
Delhi is far away...far far from my home in Kolkata. And 200 m away from my home stands a colossal building...not as regards its size but more due to the abundance of dreams and memories it treasures in its empty hallways. It is empty for me. There are students, there are professors but the gang is no more. And no more is a boy fresh out of school called Yash. He is far away today. He is, probably, even far from the hearts of his company in college. Far away he is all busy with his work but his heart does slip and take a time travel to those wonderful days that he would forever cherish in his life...
3. By-poll surgery
Now that TMC has routed the left bastion from the 9 out of 10 seats in the recent by-polls in west bengal, CPM has little to make amends to...
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