So it seems to be nowadays with every announcement in alternate metro stations asking for forgiveness in silken voice for yet another technical snag. And thus the Haryanvis and the Delhiites and the UP-ites recall your sister, say them a thing or two, but are placated. We don't complain, crib in front of the ones managing the train and even if we do, we won't get back the lost time.

On the other hand, a railway accident or an air disaster or a bomb explosion is immediately followed by apolo
gies in excess by the Mamata Banerjees and the Praful Patels and the Chidambarams. I am sorry that you lost your husband or your child in the blast. The family of the ones killed will be awarded Rs 1,00,000; the family of the ones seriously injured Rs 50,000 and the families of the ones with cuts and bruises, but in mental agony (sic) Rs 25,000. And that's the end of the chapter? No, of course not! We even have a Bravery award for the 'martyr', who laid down his life, trying to save a fellow passenger, and a promise that this kind of an event won't be repeated again (not in the next one month, at least) And we are left bereaving for our loved ones for the rest of our lives with the Rs 70,000 (The 1 lakh does not reach the family, I am sure, as it gets channelized in the way) tucked away in a corner. Because the candle-light vigils and the dharnas won't guarantee a stop to the disasters.
Gone are those days when you used to pour your heart out in an apology. A sorry, nowadays, is barfed only to save yourself of an affair, gone awry. An apology, sadly, does not mean that I will look into the matter and bring out a solution and try my best so that it does not happen further. The dwindling relevance of a heartfelt apology in today's social and moral construct is omnipresent.
And if you think I am sermonizing or being very cynical, well...what can I say...I apologize!
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