Monday, November 2, 2009

mukul scribbles and scribbles well!

I find my friend Sid's tidbits about his life a nice read in his 'bits from here and pieces from there' blog category. So I learn that he will be off to a new place for a new job in a few days. The news satisfies me. I really feel good for him and wish him all the very best in his work and fun. He's been a brother to me and even though we are miles separated and he hangs out more with his other friends and I with mine ( whatever scarce I am left with), he holds a special place in my heart. We have been friends right from the beginning-from times that I dont remember even. And we have been great pals. Lots of things to write about our memories. It would take ages. I will, eventually, one day. But in a nutshell, he was among the very few in our school who was so passionate about Bollywood, so he was a storehouse of gossips, news, scoops and infos. And being in his company sure did me well in whipping up my interest in the field. A man with an array of creativity. astounding handwriting. I still remember that he used to pen down the details of the book cricket entry with such painstaking care and details. I hope he still treasures those diaries. And he was fun, alright! There wasnt a single dull moment with him. Now we have grown up and we meet rarely. But each encounter remains etched in my memory for long. His blogging habit is very commendable. And to learn the fact that he is reading books like 'the white tiger' and is keeping himself updated with the latest movies in town deserves an applause. Way to go, bro!

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1 comment:

~sIdZ~ said...

these dayz.. i've been damn busy.. forget writing.. i wasn't really gtng time to go thru ur postz... but suddenly 2day.. i felt to cross the alley... and wow..!!! what a surprise gift..was in store... i'm highly obliged [sounds too much formal.. but couldn't help]... :)