Tuesday, February 16, 2010

'Defending' an 'insane'

You might call Utsav Sharma a psychotic patient. i will call him too. but what exactly must have been going through his mind while attacking Rathore, the alleged molestor of Ruchika Girhotra? Well like every individual who has a heart and detests such an action on young, unsuspecting girls, he too must have been infuriated by the whole turn of events. The only difference between him and other 'sane' individuals is that Utsav had translated his thoughts into action, which other people would have not dared to, fearing the impetus of law on them But he didnt. I know for a fact that there are many who silently support his act and thinks that Rathore got an iota of what he desreved(keeping constant the allegation that he is guilty) Many would call him the torchbearer of people's mass movements and protests towards the case. An 'insane' person did wht the other 'sane' people had only conceived. His bravery wont go unnoticed like his laurels and achievements in the education sphere.

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