Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Haan haan main paapi hoon!

With the same creepy smile and a nonchalant attitude, Ajmal Aamir Kasab has confessed his role in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. But with many changes in his statement that he had given earlier. Somehow, borrowing from the hindi potboilers ala Abbas Mustan cheap thrillers, I suspect that it might be a ploy and defendent lawyer kazmi might be one of the masterminds in employing this sudden shocker that has has (humorously) prompted even the judge to ask the dramatic, "Kya aapko kubul hai?" I can just so imaginr the judge's face in disbelief and the sudden excitement which transcends even the pleasure in stealing a glance at cleavage of his kaamwaali bai. Also note the way he pounced back at the public prosecutor barking at him to shut up when he protested that the time has lapsed and kasab could not confess any longer.(with all due regards to the reverent Mr. Justice) Coming back to the point, I find it very fishy, the way Kasab called Kazmi and whispered something to his ears and then before the latter could spell anything, Kasab blurts out I did it. I still remember how taken aback I was when I found that Aajy Devgan-the poor, stuttering minstrel in deewanapan was putting up his best performance on the screen of a down market Calcutta theatre-a role for which he deserved the Rajiv Gandhi award (If Shahid Kapur can win the award....Its a shame and might be a sham...i mean, last year Salman Khan was conferred the honour. And Shahid is just a kid in the industry) So that role of Ajay's made me contemplate on a number of suspense stories, cheap all of them but smart and imagined to be well directed into a movie, the promos of which still adorn the ruled pages of a diary neatly laid on my study table in my home in Salt lake. Now I hear that Kazmi has said that all Kasab did was plead guilty and not confess. These lawyers can spin a web of words, putting logic into something illogical. If i dont think deeply, I cant find any difference between confessing a guilt and pleading guilty. Kasab and Kazmi might be together in the next big plan, for all you might know! Anyways, my father feels that India, being sentimental by nature (or tradition or through a result of the Ekta kapoors and the Barjatyas), the judge will pardon Kasab and send him to pakistan. Personally, I am not in favour of corporal punishment but it seems a little chilly when I try to picturise a scene in front of my eyes of terror, raw and blood, innocent. Why are the papers screaming that from where did kasab come to know that pakistan has refused him as a Paki? Are they so insecure about their publication's reach or Arthur road jail doesnt allow super duper criminals to read papers? (For details watch Madhur Bhandarkar's Jail...and girls and endorsers of Art 377 watch Neil nude in the movie)I can imagine Kasab lurking in a dark corner of his cell and talking in his khufiya satellite phone, guiding some more perpetrators holding hostage some captain of a ship on the choppy seas of the Arabian, to the Mumbai coastland. Well, I am not the only one, dishing out cheap thriller stories.

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