Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A new Dawn

(On a distressed and disturbed night, I wrote this half-baked poetry but did not complete it. Reasons? My mood improved, I felt lazy, and well...some things are left unsaid...enjoy)


Pitter-patter on the rooftop

And little shyam opens his tired eyelids

To greet the dim light of a bright new day

Struggling to see from behind the cobwebs of a tired night

A distant sound of tinkling bells

Leftover from last night’s dream

And a smell of burnt eggs coming from the kitchen inside

And the Lord hath said those who cometh to this world has to undergo sorrow

The steam escapes from the pressure cooker lid

With a lot of hue, cry and tears

Of a prolonged claustrophobic existence between destiny and expensive dreams

Meanwhile Shyam’s back itches

And the more he tries to soothe it, the more he fails

Honking from outside the window fills the chasm of space inside

Black, dusty and flimsy, cobwebs adorning the greasy walls

And the lord hath said those who cometh to this world has to face darkness

The papers scream out the agony of thousands of other shyams

…Or much betters

In the front page, of the powerless vortex Delhi traverses through

Of sweaty housewives and ailing elders and restrained young folks

As the old ceiling fan creaks and groans and

Sends some soot cascading through the heavy air

Smelling of amrutanjan and steam

It looms over shyam and his mother

Sitting in the dining, the table covered with dust

And the shine peeping in from beneath…

(to be contd...conditions apply)

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