Friday, July 10, 2009

Head n shoulders

Tragedies are personal in nature. No matter how you try to share it with others, or unburden yourself with a sob that leaves you all mushy and self sympathizing (note: self) its for you to bear your own cross. The most people might do is to shake a few heads, voluntarily nowadays, or shed a few tears with you. But can you pass on the pain? maybe you wouldn't want to. can you make them understand? well, you might in some cases. But largely, I believe, it should be dealt with introspection, with contemplation and meditation, not brooding though. How does it help you? well, in most cases, you tend to find an answer, which might not be the solution, but a consolation, if you prefer and a strength to move on and face your infirmities. positive thinking help you a lot. i know, readers might jest at me. Readers who have seen pain enough and wants to give me an earful for being insensitive and callous in my remark. But, in some cases, in cases-adjustable and thought to be adjustable, it helps. it fills you with an energy which the tarot card readers write about in newspapers. That energy is a spurt which makes us practical and kicks us to an action, rather than stopping us on our track (stopping is fine, only in a nearby tea-stall under a shade). Some people should be private in pains.some, not all. the others can resort to the shoulder. But in most situations, the former prevails over the latter and find real consolation. We all try to find consolation and dig out a positive angle from our tragedies. Which can be best dealt with in personal. but unfortunately, we are not so brave and succumb to a display of our sorrow to anchor sympathy. Those who doesn't, triumphs and find solace and a few laughs at their cost.

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