Thursday, August 27, 2009

Always an Admirer...

A very close link to my identity that has been established in these years is the fact that I am an unconditional fan of Bollywood actor Salman Khan. People who know me also know that I am his fan. And for those who doesnt, its a sorry state of affairs for them. If I look back, I see years of fandom and a throbbing excitement for the actor, which has turned into devotion after many years of reading about him, in fact 'studying' him. Very rarely I have come across such characters who are so very interesting. And with Salman I can very well say that he is as simple as a person can be and as complex as one can be. Thriving in contradictions and thinking straight from his heart, the man stumbles, flares up, cries and smiles at the end of it all. He is a preacher, a sinner, a lover, a child, a father, a fool, a street smart and thus with such a chord of multi faceted extremeties dwelling within him, a misunderstood.

Anyways, analyzing his character will take loads of time and space and more research. In this post of mine, I am announcing the entry of a dissertation which I had done on the life and times of the actor while I was pursuing my post graduation in Journalism from the Asian College of Journalism. Its direct, factual and objective with a smatter of personal leverage here and there. I consider it as a fair achievement on my part to put down my research on the actor for so many years on paper and submit it as a serious topic of discussion, analysis and remarks alongside topics ranging from drought situation, Bilateral relations and other subjects of seemingly serious value. For me, I had my heart in its place and I feel it was a bold attempt for me to write a 10000 words dissertation on the actor in college.

Thanks you, Abhishek Chatterjee for inspiring me with your topic of dissertation.

I would use this opportunity to make my dissertation public and also thank my brother Mr. Raj Sen Gupta, who inculcated and propelled the hero-worship in me. This is also dedicated to all my friends and acquaintances who have supported my fanship and admiration for the star and above all the human being through thicks and thins.

Always an admirer.

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