Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Swine amongst us

Today Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad, our revered and esteemed Health Minister has done something more atrocious than neglecting the govt.infrastructure in checking Swine Flu. He has come out in th eopen, with an absurd interpretation of the reason of so many swine flu affected in Pune. The minister has bluntly remarked that most of the cases in Pune have all the more increased, thanks to the then living Rida Sheikh, moving from one hospital to another seeking proper help to cure her of the ailment. The family of Rida has slammed the minister's comments and demanded an apology from him...and rightfully so.

First, Rida was "moving from one hospital to another" to cure herself, not for fun, not due to lack of awareness regarding the spread of the flu but, to put it straight, to find some one who can cure her of the deadly disease. Secondly, if for a second I believe that it was Rida who spread the disease, then what about the hundreds of people in other cities, who are affected. Is Rida the carrier of the germs to their households too? Or Now that there are reports of fatality from Ahmedabad and Mumbai, you will start blaming them too? Thirdly, if Rida was responsible, how did not the parents and the ones who lived with her contracted the disease? Fourthy, your comments show how incompetent, insensitive you are and how casually and nonchalantly are you treating the whole affair. And it definitely makes the lack of efficiency and proper infrastructure of your govt even more glaring.

You call yourself a portfolio holder? I dont understand how could one say that the best way to avoid a spurt in population is by watching TV till late night and not to indulge in sex, and thus not procreate...this is ridiculous. And now your insensitive remarks on a child who has died, recently and due to negligence...shame on you. Is this a joke? Are we all the butt of your casual ridicule? Didnt you think twice before embarking on your illogical and pitiful explanations, about rida's parents?

In this country, where corruption rages rampant, and specially due to us, who give the most leverage to it, I know that ministers, even the Prime Minister, cannot move out of their 'We-will-look-into-the-matters' and 'things-could-have-been-worse(s)' when confronted with a situation when they are held responsible for anything which is a matter of National importance. And I know, that however much Rida's family shrieks in front of the camera, demanding an apology from Azad or file a suit for compensation for damages, young Rida will never come back...But that does not mean that you will treat a death with less or no importance and moreover do something really outrageous which will draw huge flak all over...

Its time that you pay heed to such things of extreme importance.This is your last chance, minister. If we see another of such blasphemous (of course it is) remarks and any failure on the part of the govt in finding a better way to control the spread of the disease, we will know who amongst us is the real swine...

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