Sunday, August 16, 2009

His name was Khan

I want to …But its difficult to.

Shah Rukh is a global figure. In today’s age of globalisation and integrated media reach, it doesn’t take rocket science to figure out what bollywood is and who the Badshah (so called) of Bollywood is. But it seems that the US official who was valuing his boss’s orders a little too seriously did not recognize the mass favourite and dragged SRK to a corner and detained him for questioning. Poor lad, doesn’t get too much breaks or offs to catch up with world news. A hue and cry have been raised (thanks to the Indian TV channels who found sufficient scoop in this masala of a story). Apparently, SRK was detained, thanks to his surname, which belongs to such a community, which has triggered ruptures in the global terrorist circle. Its absurd for a person to not to know someone of the status of Shah Rukh Khan. And what's more amazing and shocking is that he wasnt allowed even to make a call. And all that not to a Joe or a Sharma or a Richardson. But to a Khan. This sort of religious profiling has been a point of controversy for the US system of governance. If you are a democratic nation, then treat everybody equally. Why was the Sharma before him or the Richardson after him left out? Well, your guess is as good as mine. And quite naturally SRK has turned vocal about the incident, expressing his outrage and has also going on record saying that if given a chance, he would not like to set his foot again on the US soil, upsetting the strong Indian Americans and the native Bollywood lovers in the states.

On the other hand, it is quite evident that the participation of a single community in global terrorism is the highest and if I may say so, has the largest share in the pie. In that case (and after the 9/11 attacks) it is not unnatural that they have become prime and natural suspects. Not only in the US but all throughout the world. Maintaining that aspect, it is natural for a person (if for a second, I believe that he doesnt know who SRK is)to detain and question anybody belonging to the same community. Its harrassing I admit. very disturbing (watch New York) but natural for a country which does not want another 9/11. Its not only to SRK, but in the past to Kabir Khan, Mamoothy, Irrfan khan, APJ Abdul Kalam too. all because of their surname. I definitely endorse the question raised by these respectable gentlemen-where is my dignity, my respect, my social standing as an individual? But if its a law in the US, then its a law. If its a belief, its a belief. A storm has been aroused because it is SRK. But people like him, who are not so famous, but share his religion, are subjected to such screenings everyday. As once friend of Shah Rukh now turned foe, Salman Khan said-that, an image has been created of the community, that of terror, suspect-because of the misdoings by some certain people from the community. And for that innocents, famous or not have to pay the price.

So while I personally do condemn religious profiling, I endorse the reason behind it.
While I back SRK, I dont want to witness another 9/11.
Let peace prevail.

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