Friday, August 14, 2009

The Bharatiya Jingoistic Party

The destiny of BJP in this term’s election seems to have been in butterfingers. With a lot of hobnobbing with improper decisional matters it wasn’t able to garner the support of the masses, who found a better alternative with the moderate principles of the Congress. BJP’s strong rooting for the frenzied concept of Hindutva ( twisted to its extreme by some party bosses) was the only and the final nail in the coffin for the once revered powerful body. The major distortion was the too much alignment towards strong communal strains. Its adherence to Hindus and a non-tolerant approach to people from other communities made sure that it (sooner or later) meet its doom. The Gujarat communal violence, one of the worst in Indian history was not even forgotten and emerged the bruises of the Kandhamal communal killings. Whether it be the Mumbai terror attacks or any major railway mishap, the central government is not directly blamed. But as far as the Gujarat and the Kandhamal incidents are concerned, nothing can be ascertained except for a direct involvement of the ruling state power with the incidents. Communal affinity has its own positives but there exists a very thin line between it and communal favouritism, which 9 out of 10 times lead to a strong disapproval of other communities.

Recently, the internal politics in the BJP has led the party by storm. Whether it’s the stifled rebellion by Jaswant Singh, Arun Jaitley etc or the recent whip cracking on Vasundhara Raje, the party has always tried to cleanse itself but unfortunately, with the wrong soap. What it needs is an overhail of its ideologies and principles and the incorporation of more dynamic members, which the common people of India can relate more with. Advani’s muscle show or technological wizardry wont hold good for long. It needs a free spitit, more liberal in its approach and less communally fanatic ideas. The party already has a strong backing among certain sections and is generally perceived by the Indian thinkers to develop a more stringent approach towards miscreants and towards international issues. What it needs is a bit of a polishing, interior. I dont want to sound naive, but it can also break itself off from the RSS and its principles and refurbish themselves into a new body.

This piece is not intended to display any support to or any feelings against any particular political outfit. The author is unbiased and impartial regarding any political comments. On the eve of Independence day the author looks forward to a golden tomorrow, free of political and internal squabbles.

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